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Tools Overview

Use our automation & customization tools to improve your productivity, performance and business insights

Orel Gilad avatar
Written by Orel Gilad
Updated over a week ago


Paragone offers a variety of automation & customization tools to help improve your overall media buying activity. Whether it's by reducing manual maintenance, customizing your reporting to better understand your performance, or by automating your campaign optimization - We have everything needed to become a media buyer expert.

You can find the Tools menu in the header of the platform.

Available Tools


  • Naming Strategy - Create templates based on dynamic or manual placeholders, to automatically name your campaigns, ad sets and ads. We recommend using it to support our Labeling strategy.

  • Tracking Strategy - Automatically add parameters to your URLs or add a redirection URL in your posts. This also enables a few 3rd party integrations such as Google Analytics.

  • Labeling Strategy - Label your campaigns, ad sets and ads anyway you want, allowing you to group your data however you see fit, based on naming rules.

  • Auto-Promote - Create rules to promote organic posts and pushing to existing campaigns based on parameters such as CTR, time passed, etc.

  • Schedule Reports - View all the reports that were sent by email due to scheduling from widgets.


  • Custom Columns - Create customized metrics based on our available metrics.

  • Label Names - View & Create label names to be used in your reports our your labeling strategies.

  • Additional settings - Further settings such as changing currencies, decimal points and more.

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