Under Customization>Custom Columns, you'll find the our newly designed Custom Metric feature:
Inside, you'll find three main areas:
Metric naming
Metric type (Numeric, Currency or Percentage)
Building your formula
Selecting metrics
When building your formula, you can use any summable metric that is available within Paragone (Non-summable metrics such as reach and frequency aren't supported).
You can always edit your selected metric from within the formula itself)
Selecting operators
You can select any of the following 6 operators:
Addition +
Subtraction -
Multiplication *
Division /
Left Parenthesis (
Right Parenthesis )
Keep in mind, we use the standard mathematical ordering of operators in case no brackets are defined.
Inputting a number
You can input any number to the formula (including negatives)
Once completed, your formula will look something like this:
Then, when clicking "Save", it'll appear in the created formulas table:
Afterwards, you can go to your reporting and under "Custom Columns" you'll find the newly created metric.
Note: You cannot create a custom metric that contains another custom metric.