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Reporting overview

One of the most important part of the Paragone platform, if not the most important, is the Paragone Reporting module

Orel Gilad avatar
Written by Orel Gilad
Updated over a week ago

One of the most important part of the Paragone platform, if not the most important, is the Paragone Reporting module.

Our reporting features allow users to generate dynamic reports, using data from all their ad accounts. This means you can get a complete overview of your performance, even if you're using dozens of ad accounts just from this specific tool!

Think of it as a tool that will enable you to save a lot of time. All of those pesky tasks you have been dreading for the whole year, reports on monthly data during the last two years, questions of Cost per Action that tend to drive you insane: Reporting is here for that.

Let's get down to business and deep dive into all of the data that will be at your fingertips! 

Ad Account and Campaign overview

The most basic view you can get on the Reporting is the Campaign Overview. The main objective of this part is to help you manage your campaigns, but also bulk edit your ads. 

If you're managing several ad accounts, you can add all of them on your Paragone account, and they will be displayed as shown above. Clicking on one of the ad accounts will open them, and display the Campaign Groups that you have set up for each account: 

Let's open a Campaign Group then! 

From this view, you can access all of your campaigns, you can toggle them on or off, and get a quick overview of how each of them is doing.
The performance to the right of each campaign is going to be varying from Green to Orange, depending on how your campaign is doing (better or worse than the Objective you have set up beforehand). 

On the left of the screen, you can select any number of campaign you wish by clicking on the squared buttons that are located before the campaign name. Keep in mind that you can select campaigns from several reports at the same time; but we'll get to that later. An array of options is then available to you: 

The leftmost button is going to display the contents of your selection. In our example, we have four campaigns selected. Hovering over the drop-down button will give you the possibility of selecting ad sets and ads inside those campaigns. For each level, you will have a different action set: we'll focus on the Campaign Action bar first. 

Campaign Action Bar

Warning: The rest of the buttons will apply any action you take to all of the entities selected, so be careful!

Let's detail each option: 

Edit bid: From here you can modify the bid strategy or bid value of your campaigns,  it might be possible that this option is not displayed for you if the network (Facebook, Snapchat, Twitter, etc) don't support this action or your set-up doesn't allow this (for example this is not available for non CBO campaigns for FB)

Edit budget: Using this option you'll be able to change the budget and also modify options such as CBO activation/deactivation for FB.

You can manually define the budget per campaign using the option labeled as "Manual", assign the same budget to all campaigns selected using the option "Fair" or define a total budget that will be split among the selected elements using the option "Split".

Add Audience: For any number of campaigns, you can decide to add targeting audiences. Clicking here will take you to a specific flow, but it behaves the same way as the normal Campaign Flow. You'll only be adding (or editing) the audiences in your campaigns! You can read more here.  

Add Creatives: Similarly to the previous option, you can add creatives to your campaigns. You will also be taken to a specific flow, behaving almost the same way as the normal Campaign Flow. You can read more here!

Edit Dates: Modify the Start date and/or the End date of your Campaign(s).

Edit Spend Cap: Modify the Spend Cap of your Campaign(s). 

Edit margin: This will help you to change the margin applied to your campaigns or add one if you don't have any.

Change campaign KPI: Change your campaign's Paragone KPI.

Change Group: Enables you to modify the Campaign Group your Campaign(s) belongs to. You can also assign a new Group to your campaign, simply by typing the new name!

Create split test: This option will allow you to run an A/B test with the campaigns selected (this is only available for FB). The full instructions to set up a split test can be found here.

Excel export: This will allow you to get an standardised excel report containing the basic KPIs of the campaigns selected.

Rename: Change the name(s) of the Campaign(s).

If you don't want to rename the full name of the campaigns but only search keywords and replace them in the campaigns selected you can use the replace/with on the left side. More details here.

Delete: Delete the Campaign(s) you selected.

Pressing the Cancel Button on the right of the bar (or Esc. on your keyboard) will exit the menu!

Ad Set Actions

All actions taken will affect the Ad Set(s) you have selected!

Apart from the options that are available for campaigns you will find the following one.

Edit Pacing: Change the Pacing type for your Ad Set budget spending. You will have two options available: 

  • Standard, where your budget will be automatically spent by Facebook in the way that they will deem most efficient (in terms of bidding for the most pertinent user to display the ad to).

  • Accelerated will try and spend the budget as quickly as possible. 

Edit Ad Set schedule:

You can choose between running your ads all the time or on specific time frames during the day.

This option is only available for lifetime campaigns.

Ad Action Bar

All actions taken will affect the Ad(s) you have selected!

Most of the options available here we've covered previously. The only one left is the URL parameters one:

You can edit URL parameters that will be added to the end of the URL of your ads, from here! 

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