** Networks supported: LinkedIn
Creating new audiences
Upon clicking "Add Audience", you'll encounter the following screen:
In this screen, you first need to select the ad account for which you want to create audiences. You will then have two options - 'File' and 'Lookalike'.
Manual File Upload
You can upload a CSV file of either your contact or company list with this option. Keep in mind, the content of the file must match the template provided (under "Download Template")
After naming your audience and clicking "Save", the audience will be sent to the network for matching.
Lookalike Audience
You must first choose the source audience from your previously created audiences with this option.
After naming your audience and clicking "Save", the audience will be sent to the network for lookalike creation
Editing your audiences
Upon clicking "Update Existing", you'll encounter the following screen:
With this, you can either add additional rows of data (either contacts or companies) to your existing audience or remove specific rows of data from it.
Understanding the audience table
Ad Account, Ad account ID, Network - Your audience's ad accounts information
Name - Your audience name
Type - Customer File, Company File or Lookalike
Ready - The audience matching process on the networks was completed
Populating - The audience matching process is in progress
Error - Various errors with the matching process (Bad file, Network error, Permissions, etc.)
Last updated - The last time your audience was updated (either manually or via the network)
Size - The matched size in the network
Match rate - Matched size/Source size
Using created audiences in campaign creation
In the audience step of the campaign creation, you can find your created audiences under "List Upload" in the "Advanced targeting" section.
You can narrow this audience further by applying various targeting parameters, such as Title, age, gender, etc.
The audience module is located under Administration --> Audiences