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Manage your widgets
Orel Gilad avatar
Written by Orel Gilad
Updated over a week ago

Such as dashboards, widgets are components that can be managed individually. Let's see what options are available to us!

Common options


You can have a quick access to the filtering options for a widget by clicking on the manage filters button.

It's a pretty convenient way to iterate between items.


You might want a widget to have its own period so that it's no longer based on what the dashboard use. For that, you can press the manage period button and quicky set a custom period for this specific widget.

It will override the period selected at the dashboard level and act independantly.

Color scheme

Some particular widgets (such as the line chart widget) are displaying data in a more graphical way, using curves, pies or even bars.

You might want to change the color of the items if they are not easy to read by default, or to match your own preferences. If the option is available for the widget you're having, simply press the Edit graph colors button to get started.

You'll now have the opportunity to define a specific color per item. Don't forget to press Save or the change will not be saved!

Here you go: your custom colors will now be displayed on the widget's graphical elements.

Other options

Widget edition

You might want to rework a widget, to change its type or add metrics for example. You can reopen the edition window (the same that used to create the widget) by opening its contextual menu and press Edit.

Display mode

Some widgets can be resized to, for example, match 50% of the screen so you can place one other on the same row. Browse those options by opening the contextual menu of a widget and go to Display mode.


Depending on the widget, it is possible to export the data into an Excel (.xlsx) or CSV (.csv) file. Open the contextual menu of the widget and select Export to see what's available.


You might need to quickly create a copy of a widget within the same dashboard. Open the contextual menu and select Duplicate to do so!


At any moment, you can remove a widget from a dashboard by opening its contextual menu and press Delete. Note that this action cannot be undone.


Widgets may have some specific actions available to them. For instance, you can change the way the scaling works for line chart widgets. Open the contextual menu of the widget and browse Parameters to know what options you have!

Templates of widgets

Are you creating a lot of similar widgets through your dashboards? If yes, you might want to actually build a template of the widget to be able to deploy it easily, everywhere.

Creating a template

Simply open the contextual menu of a widget you created already, and click on Save as template. The template will be named by the name of the actual widget used.

Creating a widget from a template

As soon as you created at least one template, a new button will be accessible when creating a widget: Your templates. This section will list all of your created templates so you can create a new widget based on them.

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