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Widget types

The widget types explained one by one!

Orel Gilad avatar
Written by Orel Gilad
Updated over 4 years ago

When creating a new widget for your dashboard or your custom view in the Campaign Report, there are multiple choices available to select. Here is a review of all options.

Line chart: It is the simplest type of widget, it is useful to track the evolution of a specific KPI during time or it can help you to compare the evolution of the same KPI in different elements if you use the grouping option. Below there is an example in which we are comparing the evolution of spend for two ad accounts.

Bar chart: This widget will plot your KPI in bars, it can be interesting to use when you want to see how several dimensions contribute to a specific KPI. If we use the same example as before we will see how each ad account contributed to the total daily spend.

Bar & Line Chart: This type of widget can be helpful when you want to compare the evolution of two KPIs and identify if there is a correlation between them. We use as an example below CTR and CPM.

Data Table: This is the best widget when you want to have a very detailed report of several KPIs, you can customize it in multiple ways by grouping elements, adding new columns and applying filters.

Pivot Table:

The Pivot Table widget helps you track the evolution of your main KPIs so that you can understand the impact that past changes had on your performance and apply the most appropriate actions to your campaigns. With this widget, you can easily see the daily, weekly, monthly, or yearly evolution of a specific KPI.

Campaign list: The Campaign list widget is the preferred one to use to have a look at your campaigns on a daily basis and perform actions in your campaigns. This widget list your campaigns and campaign groups within the ad accounts and will help you to track the performance of each campaign using the Paragone Objective.

Tree: The Tree widget is the best one to understand which dimension is giving you the best results in your campaigns or how the spend is distributed in all the dimensions. In the screen-shot below we can see the spend per country, per placement (Facebook feed vs Facebook stories) and see the spend of each image accordingly.

Tops: This is the type of widget that you would use when you want to identify the best performing elements of your ads (images, texts, CTAs, etc.) based on a specific KPI. An example grouping by Post->Visual would look like the following screen-shot:

Text box: Finally, this widget will help you to describe the current dashboard to explain it to others in case you are sharing it.  By selecting the Text box widget you'll have a space to write text using enriched formatting options such as bolds, italics, bullet points, etc. 

 You should now be ready to make the most of your dashboards. 👨🏼‍🎨

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