What is S2S?
S2S, which stands for Server to Server, is another way of tracking your conversions. Using this, you can see conversions tracked from your server, sent directly to ours (hence the S2S denomination).
You can then track conversions (and any other event you want to) from our Reporting section!
How can I set it up on Paragone?
Automate your tracking
Set up a tracking strategy (for more info, you can read up here), and put the 'mmr.tracking_id' (or a parameter you created) as the mmr_id in your URL parameters:
Once you've confirmed you're good to go! The rest of the flow is similar to the one you'll see when setting up classic tracking strategies (learn how here).
Tracking the events from the Paragone Platform:
List the events you want to track
Send a postback call to the following url (
): https://s2s.makemereach.com/s2s/event/{mmr.tracking_id}/EVENT_TIME?click_time=CLICK_TIME&event_value=EVENT_VALUE&event_name=EVENT_NAMEIn this URL, the EVENT_TIME, CLICK_TIME, and EVENT_VALUE are not mandatory. You will need to input the EVENT_NAME for it to work. They do help you track properly what happens though!
Using the events
In your reports:
Simply use the S2S column to add a column in any report, as follows:
You can also create a Custom Column (learn more about it here) that includes your S2S events:
In the Automation Center:
You can design rules based on your S2S parameters and stats as well - for instance, a rule based on S2S conversions would work!